Refund policy
To submit a refund request, send an email to with the reason you are requesting a refund.
An ebook purchased from is eligible for a refund if we receive your request within 60 days of purchase and you have read less than 10 percent of the book. We will issue you a purchase voucher or process a full refund to your card or PayPal account, depending on your preference.
If an ebook does not work as described by us, you can request another download at any time. Read these rules:
Returning the eBook within 61 days
You can return an ebook within 61 days if you have read less than 10 percent of the book. We will issue a purchase voucher or refund. This is a trust-based system and is designed for common sense situations only: for example, if you accidentally clicked the “buy” button or if the textbook is not needed for your course. Or, if the quality of the writing is unacceptable. But if you ask 2 times for a refund, we will disable your ability to buy more E - books from It is not appropriate to abuse this system to just get a bunch of ebooks without paying for them. We owe it to our authors to reward them appropriately for their efforts.
You can check the quality or appropriateness of an ebook before you buy it. Just click on the click to preview link on the product page and you will have a clear idea before you buy.
Returning the ebook for a valid reason
Up to 60 days
We will issue a purchase voucher or process a refund if possible. (If too much time has passed, PayPal or your card issuer may not allow a refund. The window for processing refunds varies from vendor to vendor; it can be weeks or months. In such cases we will provide you with a purchase voucher).
After the 61 day.
It is unlikely that we would. Whether or not we will process a refund after that long is entirely at our discretion and will be determined on the merits of the case. If we do grant a refund in such a case, it will only be in the form of a gift certificate for upcoming E-books.
What is a “good reason” for returning an ebook?
We take a common sense approach to refund requests. What constitutes a “valid reason” may change over time, along with changes in technology, and will be determined entirely at our discretion based on the circumstances. No correspondence will be initiated regarding this determination.
"I didn't like the book ” is not a valid reason.
Technical problems
"The ebook did not meet my technical expectations ” may be a valid reason for a refund if the product does not live up to the description. If an ebook you purchase from us does not match the description in any respect, then we will process a full refund without hesitation.
In conclusion, if you want a refund, send us an email, if you have valid reasons, we will refund you as promised on the website
If an ebook gets damaged or needs replacement during normal use, you can re-download it at any time or request it via email or
wathsapp at +39 389 1289090.
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